Saturday, February 5, 2011

Goodbye Victoria...... :(

So Paul and I were talking in the car this week as we ran around trying to say goodbye to everyone and get all the items we need that apparently aren't available in China.(...can I just say that I am a little disappointed that we have bring anything at all? Isn't China where EVERYTHING is made?)

Anyways Paul and I got to talking about all the things we are going to miss in/about Victoria, in no particular order:
- the rain and fresh air
-our family and friends
-arbutus trees and Gary oaks
-playing hockey
-silk road tea
-scotch with brad
-micro-breweries and gastropub fare
-cute downtown Victoria
-the uvic bunnies (although everyone seems to be missing them)
-driving everywhere in 15 minutes
-lounging in the hot tub at Brad and Linda's

The other thing that came sharply to our attention this week was the fact that we are going to miss our two "nephews" becoming toddlers. We are going to be gone for so long that when we return they will likely be unrecognizable to us and us to them. We are going to have to start all the way back at square one with gaining their trust and being noteworthy playmates. This is somewhat heartbreaking as we have been following them both since, well since the day they were born. Luckily we got to spend some time with both of them this week to console our hurt feelings.

 Unfortunately we did not get any pictures of our time with Pumpkin and the family. But we did get to shake his hand, teach him the zoom zoom song, and watching him laugh hysterically at Paul's eat-then-sneeze-out-the-napkin trick!

On Thursday we took Deckster out to Macauley Point and walked him up a huge hill in the wind and rain! It was cold and muddy, and there was gaga (read water) and many many oggies (read dogs) to entertain us.  A great time was had by all, especially all the old people who stopped to oogle at Deckster's cuteness.

Through the tunnel!

Looking cute in his froggie coat!

Such a ham, actually BOTH of them are such hams!
 We only stopped twice to refuel on the way up!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great...I must nab them. I'm sure he will be very delighted to see his Aunt & Uncle when they return. -DA
