Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's Beginning to look a LOT like Christmas

Well, its December which means 2 really good things have happened here lately!

2) Kristen was FINALLY given permission to decorate the house!

This is our INCREDIBLE advent caladar from IKEA. I hope you all have one. There are little boxes which you hide goddies in, so it could be lame chocolate or it could be ferrero rochers!!!!!
This is our tiny tree and stockings!
This is how excited Kristen gets when she is allowed to put up Christmas stuff!

Perfect for our Chinese Christmas Tree, Rice Lights, no joke they came with the tree!

There have been some negitive things as well, mostly weather related. We keep being mocked by the chinese staff who think being born and bred Canadians, we should not bock at the DongBei wind that rips through our part of china.As you all know that is SOOOOO not the case!

This is lake Clear water which is the "lake" part of our Lake-View aprtment. It has been there since the category 4 storm last year. It is so cold most of the water has evaporated. But what was left froze and then was smashed by the middle school kids since they are not supervised during PE class. THe little monkeys tore up the brick from the sidewalk to do it.

And this is Kristen's new work attire. You will notice, Hot for this season, thick tights, under a pair of insulated ski socks, all neatly hidden under dress pants. YEA, IT'S COLD!

1 comment:

  1. Christmas time in the city! It looks a lot christmasier that my place. we have our advent calendars out, but with exams and not christmas decorations I might be cutting out some snowflakes as a study break!
