Sunday, April 10, 2011

China's word is.............

So any of you who have read or seen “Eat, Pray Love” will remember that they Very self indulgent main character set about giving locations one word which was felt to describe them best.  Along those lines of thought, we have been thinking for some days about China’s word.  We finally have it: UNCOMFORTABLE.
We have been constructing an extensive list which should be much to your enjoyment, in your comfortable coushie home in the ever wealthy North America......
There is no toilet paper in any bathroom in China. This doesn’t really seem to be a huge deal right, just bring some out with you and you are covered. Except if you say changed your coat or leave your TP in your other backpack or bag, and then you find yourself in Kai-fa-chu needing to pee so badly and having no way of getting anymore.......uncomfortable.
The walls have no drywall or insulation just plaster which comes off when you touch it.
There is no subfloor of any kind so standing for 8 hours a day is really difficult on the feet and back. Some teachers have mats that they stand on, like those that the girls at Safeway get. BUT if you have to move classrooms at all it is not such a great thing.
There is no control over the temperature in your life. The heaters are either off or on and now they are off. The people who stoke the fires are laid-off of the summer and so we are colder now inside our house than we have been since we got here!
Our hot water tank doesn’t make enough hot water each day of us each to have a shower longer than 3.5 minutes. When the tank is drained it take 5-6 hours to refill again which means washing your hands in ice water and no dishes or showers during that time.
Then there is the toilets themselves. Kristen having very strong legs from years of skating is not so upset about them as some of the other girls. But we think that might deserve its own post....stay tuned.
This is nothing compared to how the people in town live. Most families spend as much time as possible outside of their house because it is not a very comfortable place to be. In an apartment our size there would be at least 4 people and as many as 6. Remember that we have a 2 bedroom plus closet.
Despite all this whining we are actually have a great time. We have learnt many things about re-creating your own culture in a far away land. We have learned many things about the local culture and we are still happy to be here and see each other every day. Some days are tough but then we would have tough days at home too!
But take a minute and reflect on all the awesome things that you have and use EVERY DAY that make your life easier, more comfortable or more luxurious, because you are VERY lucky to have your life!


  1. Dryers. No one has a drying machine in China.

    Crosswalks. You can cross a road with little fear in Canada. Even with a walk sign you have to be careful crossing a street in China.

  2. I hear you. God bless my air-conditioner though!

  3. Sort of puts a lot of things into perspective, doesn't it?
